Chopin Potato Vodka - #7 of Best Potato Vodka Brands

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Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Potato Vodka Label Chopin Potato Vodka

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Twitter Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Potato Vodka Label Chopin Potato Vodka

Chopin Potato Vodka

When you're looking for a new vodka brand to try out, turn to Chopin Potato Vodka. Plain and simple, it is the best potato vodka brand out today. That's because it's produced by a family-owned business that takes the step to make sure you're left with a premium Polish vodka. Opposed to other vodka brands, Chopin actually distills their own spirits. There won't even be additives or unknown ingredients placed into this vodka. In fact, each bottle only has three ingredients in it. They are a naturally grown potato, rye or wheat yeast and purified artesian well water. All these ingredients come right from local farmers that have been carefully selected. This means you are getting a high quality vodka every time. Chopin potato vodka is not only tasty but also one that you don't have to be weary of. You know what's going in to what you're drinking and where it comes from. There's no questions to be had here.

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