Vodka Fourteen Organic Craft Distilled Vodka - #8 of Top Grain Vodka Labels

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Organic Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Grain Vodka Brand Vodka Fourteen Organic Craft Distilled Vodka

Vodka Fourteen Organic Craft Distilled Vodka

At the heart of Vodka 14 is the idea that proper distillation, organic ingredients, and meticulous attention to detail can allow even a small batch distillery to operate at a higher quality level than that of the mass produced brands. They use a four column continuous still that produces a spirit of such purity that even the quality of vodkas distilled dozens of times in traditional pot stills will not come close. Organic ingredients are just as important to the people at Vodka 14 as the distillation process. Using only grains grown in completely organic environments, Vodka 14 insures that their spirit can't be matched in purity or flavor. The final step in crafting such a pure product is the filtration. Vodka 14 undergoes an advanced crystal and carbon filtration process that, when combined with the already pure ingredients, leaves a libation exceptionally worthy of the invested time and energy.

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