The Glenlivet 18 - #6 of Leading Single Malt Scotch Brands

The Glenlivet 18 Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Single Malt Scotch Label The Glenlivet 18

The Glenlivet 18 Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Single Malt Scotch Label The Glenlivet 18

The Glenlivet 18 News Page

News Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Single Malt Scotch Label The Glenlivet 18

The Glenlivet 18

Developing a Scotch that provides a unique blend of two continents’ contributions has made The Glenlivet 18 stand out amid a dizzying array of imitators around the world. Great care was taken during the creative process of this masterpiece, thereby ensuring that the full impact of the distilling process would be felt with each new taste of this product. Chief among the choices made were the type of cask that was needed. The proper selection was made, insuring that an individual’s selective palate will be satisfied. Those casks mix the fruit-laden sensation of American oak with the spice-based European version to bring about a unique offering that embodies the finest Scotch has the potential to offer.

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