Highland Park 21 YO - #3 of Best Single Malt Scotch Brands

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Blog Screenshot from the Award Winning Best Single Malt Scotch Label Highland Park 21 YO

Highland Park 21 YO

If the experience of quality single malt scotch could be likened to a stint of education, the Highland Park 21 year-old scotch offering would be your Master Class. The distillery with a venerable tradition for excellence crafted this single malt scotch exclusively for travel retail and duty-free markets. Which means, when you next catch sight of its distinctive bottle during your layover—buy it. Tasters of the highest order have sung its praises. But, then, that’s nothing unusual for Highland Park. A sweet sherry note is the first thing you notice with the bouquet—this deepens into a tangy balsamic undergirding with hints of luscious toffee. The flavor is decidedly in the realm of the sweet, with notes of muscovado sugar, anise, and peat-rich smoke. The finish is one of spiced, golden raisins and anise, bringing a decided note of the exotic to this quintessentially Scottish dram, appropriately known as the Water of Life.

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