Bruichladdich 15 - #10 of Leading Single Malt Scotch Brands

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Bruichladdich 15

Good whisky is hard to come by, but anyone who knows their drink will tell you the very best comes from Scotland. The Bruichladdich single malt whisky is among some of the highest quality alcohol around, and if you’re the kind of person who enjoys a neat but strong liquor, look no further. Crafted with care and passion, Bruichladdich single malt whisky is distilled on the island of Islay by some of the finest brewers in all of Europe. The Bruichladdich brewery is world famous, regularly offering tours to showcase its world famous 19th century Victorian era machinery that crafts the whisky, but they certainly aren’t afraid to mix new techniques to perfect their brew. Sitting at 46% ABV, this powerful liquor is sure to be a welcome addition to your palette. If you’re a fan of powerful whiskies, give the Bruichladdich single malt whisky a try – you won’t regret it.

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