Ardbeg Corryvreckan - #2 of Top Single Malt Scotch Brands

Ardbeg Corryvreckan Home Page

Home Screenshot from the Award Winning Leading Single Malt Scotch Label Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Ardbeg Corryvreckan Contact Page

Contact Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Single Malt Scotch Label Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Ardbeg Corryvreckan Bottle Page

Bottle Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Single Malt Scotch Label Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Ardbeg Corryvreckan

Ardbeg isn’t a dark horse in the world of scotch as much as it’s a Horse of a Different Color. Ardbeg’s single offering is a 10 year-old single malt that is unlike any other offering on the market. Because they don’t cold-distill it or dilute its strength, it offers an unsurpassed experience. Distilled on the rustic isle of Islay—a place with an extraordinarily venerable history of scotch distillation—the 10 year-old is rife with sensory stimulating flavors and aromas. While it rests on a solid base of rich, dark peat and oaken flavors, fresh scents such as citrus, chalk, salt wind, and even the invigorating aroma of bacon are there to be enjoyed. Smooth vanilla and alluring cinnamon notes frolic with the brisk scent of coal tar soap—an oddly pleasurable combination. The pride of Ardbeg doesn’t disappoint in the finish, either—sultry notes of espresso mingle with the essence of fresh pear and gently toasted almonds, with just a whisper of barley, the grain that began the magical process that led to this gem in a bottle.

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