The combination of more malt, excellent quality grains, the best oaks and a natural bottling process helps take the Great King Street Artists's Blend into a different stratosphere when it comes to Blended Scotch. The distillation of this product helps provide the character in every bottle, with Lowland grain whiskey making up the largest source, followed by Northern Highland Single Malt. Each of these provide a fruity base that's matched by the malt and perfumed core. By also adding malts that have a grassy and meaty approach to them, the awaiting palate is the beneficiary of this focus. The wood of the oaks helps bring out flavors like vanilla and dried fruits, with the French oaks and their inherent toasted nature helping provide a gritty sweetness that envisions marshamallows on the grill and coffee in the pot. There's no attempt at chill filtration. which allows the natural color to remain.
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