Grant’s Blended Scotch Whiskey reaches its zenith in the form of their Family Reserve recipe. This extremely legendary concoction originated in 1898, and it was the potently exquisite brainchild of William Grant himself. This signature blend combines approximately 25 of the world’s best malt and grain Scotch whiskey sources into one smooth elixir. With a rich foundation of notorious Girvan grains, none can top its decadent appeal. Our vacuum distillation process uses decreased temperatures to create a softer spirit and delicate edge. Aged oak instills extra depths of flavorful robustness, and the casks are specially designed to grant layers of woodsy sweetness and tart fruit aftertaste. This ingeniously balanced array of delicious elements has earned this drink a Silver Medal at the 2011 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. By bestowing this potion with such a rare and renowned honor, the entire planet is sure to discover a refined cocktail experience.
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