Buchanan's Red Seal Blended Scotch is a truly magnificent blend of multiple varieties of scotch. Characteristic of scotch whiskey, Red Seal features a strong flavor of peat, giving it a strong and mildly acidic quality. However, the careful blending also makes it a smooth and enjoyable drink. Red Seal is somewhat unusual in that it incorporates both highland and lowland scotches into its unique blend. The scotches used to blend this fine mix are carefully selected from various distilleries all across Scotland, and nothing is left to chance in the mixing process. All of the scotches that go into the final product are aged prior to the blending, and then allowed to age for a time afterward, giving it a uniform flavor. The final blend is well balanced, but retains much of the signature strength and body of highland scotch. For a superior scotch, Buchanan's Red Seal is a great choice.
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