Angostura creates quality Caribbean rum in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Angostura 7 Year Old rum is aged to perfection in “once used” bourbon casks until ready to be enjoyed. The deep, dark golden coloring looks as if it is made from honey and maple to create pure liquid gold. The pleasure to the eyes is just the start of the body's journey throughout the senses. Before the drink even hits their lips, individuals will breathe in the glorious aromas of rich maple syrup, black treacle, sinful chocolate, foreign spices, bourbon smoke, smokey char and sweet vanilla. From the nose and onto the tongue, this beverage offers delectable flavors, which include maple, chocolate, honey, toffee and burnt sugar, all combined into a delicious creamy delight. With a rich, full-bodied taste and a classic finish swimming with crème brulee, custard, cocoa and coffee, this delightful Caribbean rum is hard to beat.
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