Sophisticated, smooth, and sensuous - Van Gogh Gin is pure perfection and pleasure with a combination of bold, vibrant fragrances and vivid, vivacious flavors. Drawing inspiration from the world-renowned artwork of Vincent Van Gogh – this gin is one of the best, as proven by a plethora of highlights and supreme awards. Produced in 1999, Van Gogh Gin combines worldwide, all-natural flavors and fragrances, such as the overtones of cubeb berries, lemons, coriander, licorice, and grains of paradise. There are also lingering, subtler undertones, such as cassia bark, juniper berries, angelica berries, and orris. Each of these elements combine beautifully, making a handcrafted gin that would be ideal for after-dinner conversations. Van Gogh Gin is a one-of-a-kind concept, as the glass bottle displays the reproduced artwork of the original artist that this beverage was inspired by. There is also a seamless sleekness to each bottle that hints at the smoothness of the white spirit within.
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