Camus Cognac Extra Elegance is a velvety mixture of eaux-de-vie that are produced from the best Borderies, Petite Champagne and Grand Champagne vineyards. Each of these selected for their rich flavor, aging potential and complementary textures. It is blended using old-world blending techniques that were first used more than 300 years ago in France. Camus Cognac Extra Elegance is also aged carefully in cool and damp sellers that create the conditions needed to create a rounded flavor that is highlighted by robust dried violet overtones and a pastry-like sweetness. Moreover, hints of tobacco, leather and walnut provide a fascinating contrast to this flavor that make Camus Cognac Extra Elegance a fantastic addition to your favorite summit cocktails or regent punch recipes. Finally, discerning cognac aficionados will also enjoy the oak-like overtones that add an interesting depth to Extra Elegance's complex finish. This should not be surprising because Camus ages Extra Elegance in special oak barrels for at last two years to create oak-like overtones that are robust and intriguing.
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